update 12. August .2024 - Ver 0.9
Last updated
update 12. August .2024 - Ver 0.9
Last updated
The name "DuneX" consists of two main elements: "Dune" and "X".
Dune: “Dune” means sand dune or sand dune. It symbolizes the vast desert terrain of Dubai and the Middle East. Sand dunes are a natural symbol of change and adaptation, and the ever-changing flow of sand can reflect the fluidity and innovation of the digital world, especially the rapidly developing blockchain technology and gaming industry.
X: “X” symbolizes unknown possibilities, exploration, and limitless opportunity. Additionally, “X” is often used to represent technological advancements and futuristic projects. These letters indicate that the coin or project is pursuing a new and innovative path.
Therefore, the name “DuneX” symbolizes the combination of Dubai’s desert terrain and blockchain gaming exploring endless possibilities. This embodies the project's vision of exploring new and innovative opportunities in the ever-changing digital economy.